**Please be advised, when booking for SGI or WCB, Alisa Griffin, Kelly Unruh & Stephanie are not covered for these treatments. Please book in with SGI and WCB accredited therapists to be sure you will have that coverage.**

WCB requires approval through an MCARE WCB form we fill out and send on your behalf requesting approval. You will not receive treatment covered by WCB without this form filled out, faxed and approved. Please Call if you have a new WCB claim. No exceptions-this is a WCB protocol.

Alisa Griffin

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Angie Marple

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Beatris Moya

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Jolene Thompson

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Karen Tegenkamp

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Michelle Schick

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Stephanie Weisbeck

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Registered Massage Therapists

Our caring team is here to help you, whether it be recovering from an injury or maintenance on your health journey.

All of our RMT's offer deep tissue massage and cupping. 

**Please be advised, when booking for SGI or WCB,  Alisa Griffin, Kelly Unruh & Stephanie Weisbeck are not covered for these treatments. Please book in with SGI and WCB accredited therapists to be sure you will have that coverage.**

There are tremendous benefits to be achieved through regular massage therapy treatments from a Registered Massage Therapist. Whether you need a moment of relaxation, to reduce muscle tension, or attain relief from chronic pain, a therapeutic massage can enhance your overall sense of emotional and physical well-being, as well as your quality of life.

Massage therapy benefits people of all ages and can be used in the treatment of both acute and chronic stages of conditions. It also plays a major role in the prevention of illness and conditions, before they develop in the first place.

Therapeutic massage is an important part of your health maintenance plan by:

  • Reducing or eliminating pain
  • Improving joint mobility
  • Improving circulation
  • Improving immune system functioning
  • Increasing lymphatic drainage
  • Reducing depression and anxiety
  • Reducing tension within muscles
  • Increasing body awareness

Pregnancy and Labour Massage

Massage therapy during pregnancy has been shown to:

  • Improve maternal mood
  • Decrease depression and anxiety
  • Decrease pain
  • Decrease stress hormones in pregnant women
  • Decrease obstetrical complications
  • Improve neonatal health and development

Our registered massage therapists use the Pregnancy Body Cushion, which is adjustable to clients of all shapes and sizes. The cushion enables women to receive pregnancy massage through their full term in most cases, by providing stable and comfortable support. It helps to reduce pressure and relieve breast discomfort, allowing to-be moms the benefits of therapeutic massage